
Friday, September 06, 2013

In sex, lies and child, Bosnian sues girlfriend for just wanting his European genes

Bosnian businessman has sued his Malaysian lover for RM600,000, saying she only wanted him for sex and his European genes to get a child and not for love.
Ervin Ahbabovic, 41, a permanent resident who has been in the country for 18 years, filed the suit at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court registry on Friday.
In his statement of claim, Ahbabovic said he fell in love with a Malaysian woman, Chung Shun Yee, 29, in 2008.

 hey moved in together and two years later on February 7, their son, Aaron Leviticus Ahbabovic Chung, was born.
The plaintiff claimed that he had believed they were going to be married, but he was wrong.
According to court papers, their relationship went downhill after the birth of their son, as the defendant kept finding fault with the plaintiff.
At the same time, he claimed the defendant's sexual desires and dominance on him was spiralling beyond normal boundaries.
He said she would demand him to have sexual intercourse six times a day with her, and each session lasted for about an hour.
Lawyer Mohamad Fauzi holding photographs of Ahbabovic and Chung. The Malaysian Insider pic by Rita Jong, September 3, 2013.Lawyer Mohamad Fauzi holding photographs of Ahbabovic and Chung. The Malaysian Insider pic by Rita Jong, September 3, 2013.Initially, Ahbabovic believed that her sexual desire for him was based on true love and affection but she eventually became insecure and constantly jealous.
He also alleged the defendant's sexual needs became a daily routine which he was forced to fulfil.
He claimed there were times the defendant had threatened to commit suicide if he did not give in to her sexual needs or if he threatened to leave her.
Hence, he was left with no choice but to stay with her hoping that she would one day agree to marry him to ensure their child grows up in a normal family environment.
Ahbabovic claimed he suffered mental and emotional abuse from their daily sex acts, and in September last year, she became hostile and had allegedly stabbed him in the left arm.
Unable to withstand what was happening, he then voiced out but only to have her react by insulting, beating, scolding and yelling at him.
He claimed she eventually threw him out of the house and denied him the right to get his life savings and was not allowed to operate some of his businesses that he owns with Chung.
Ahbahovic said Chung continued to act inhumanely and without compassion in which all of his work with regards to business development and consultancy was never paid to him, despite her being awarded some hundreds of thousands by several international schools in Kuala Lumpur.
He also felt humiliated, stressful, traumatised and shocked and said that he was not only chased from the house, but was also prohibited from seeing his son.
He said he tried to contact Chung to reconcile for the sake of their son, but was only told by her that she had "used him to satisfy her sexual lust apart from the purpose of getting his sperm so she could have a better offspring compared to local sperm on the perception that 'European genetic DNA' has unparalleled and astonishing quality compared to the local."
Ahbabovic said he felt insulted, traumatised, emotionally crushed, humiliated, sad and deeply insulted by her statement and realised he had been used by Chung merely for the sperm donation.
He claimed he suffered a psychological breakdown when his status as the father of the child was not recognised.
Ahbabovic is claiming for RM600,000 in monetary compensation and is seeking an order that he be recognised as the father of his son in the birth certificate, as well as the defendant to "establish and appreciate" his existence as their son's father by advertising it in three mainstream newspapers.
He is also seeking for other costs and relief deemed fit by the court.
Ahbabovic was represented by counsel Nasir Yusoff and Mohamad Fauzi Abdul Samad.
The matter is fixed for case management on October 1.
"The copy of the writ has been sealed and will be served to the defendant hopefully tomorrow," said Nasir.
Ahbabovic, who was present in court, said he has not seen his son for several months.
"I am traumatised and currently seeking psychiatric help," he said.
"I lost everything over the past four years. I gave her everything. I just wanted a family. But I am upset that she had only used me just to get my sperm." - September 3, 2013.

 ~ money2gold : 6 kali sehari. 1 sesi 1 jam. Lunyai beb! Lebih hebat dari Vivian

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