
Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Bill Gates rampas semula takhta manusia terkaya -Forbes

Bill Gates kembali menduduki takhta manusia terkaya di dunia dengan kekayaan USD 76 bilion menandingi Carlos Slim Helu yang memiliki USD 72 bilion.

NEW YORK — Mr Bill Gates has returned to the top of Forbes magazine’s annual list of the world’s richest people, as rising stock markets swelled the ranks of billionaires, which included a record number of women.

With a net worth of US$76 billion, the Microsoft co-founder reclaimed the top spot after a four-year hiatus, toppling Mexico’s telecommunications mogul Carlos Slim Helu, who placed second at US$72 billion, Forbes said in announcing the list yesterday (March 3).

Berikut senarai 40 orang terkaya di dunia.

1. Bill Gates
Net Worth: $76 B
Source of wealth: Microsoft

2. Carlos Slim Helu & family
Net Worth: $72 B
Source of wealth: telecom

3. Amancio Ortega
Net Worth: $64 B
Source of wealth: retail

4. Warren Buffett
Net Worth: $58.2 B
Source of wealth: Berkshire Hathaway

5. Larry Ellison
Net Worth: $48 B
Source of wealth: Oracle

6. Charles Koch
Net Worth: $40 B
Source of wealth: diversified

6. David Koch
Net Worth: $40 B
Source of wealth: diversified

8. Sheldon Adelson
Net Worth: $38 B
Source of wealth: casinos

9. Christy Walton & family
Net Worth: $36.7 B
Source of wealth: Wal-Mart

10. Jim Walton
Net Worth: $34.7 B
Source of wealth: Wal-Mart

11. Liliane Bettencourt & family
Net Worth: $34.5 B
Source of wealth: L’Oreal

12. Stefan Persson
Net Worth: $34.4 B
Source of wealth: H&M

13. Alice Walton
Net Worth: $34.3 B
Source of wealth: Wal-Mart

14. S. Robson Walton
Net Worth: $34.2 B
Source of wealth: Wal-Mart

15. Bernard Arnault & family
Net Worth: $33.5 B
Source of wealth: LVMH

16. Michael Bloomberg
Net Worth: $33 B
Source of wealth: Bloomberg LP

17. Larry Page
Net Worth: $32.3 B
Source of wealth: Google

18. Jeff Bezos
Net Worth: $32 B
Source of wealth:

19. Sergey Brin
Net Worth: $31.8 B
Source of wealth: Google

20. Li Ka-shing
Net Worth: $31 B
Source of wealth: diversified

21. Mark Zuckerberg
Net Worth: $28.5 B
Source of wealth: Facebook

22. Michele Ferrero & family
Net Worth: $26.5 B
Source of wealth: chocolates

23. Aliko Dangote
Net Worth: $25 B
Source of wealth: cement, sugar, flour

23. Karl Albrecht
Net Worth: $25 B
Source of wealth: retail

25. Carl Icahn
Net Worth: $24.5 B
Source of wealth: investments

26. George Soros
Net Worth: $23 B
Source of wealth: hedge funds

27. David Thomson & family
Net Worth: $22.6 B
Source of wealth: media

28. Lui Che Woo
Net Worth: $22 B
Source of wealth: casinos

29. Dieter Schwarz
Net Worth: $21.1 B
Source of wealth: retail

30. Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud
Net Worth: $20.4 B
Source of wealth: investments

31. Forrest Mars Jr
Net Worth: $20 B
Source of wealth: candy

31. Jacqueline Mars
Net Worth: $20 B
Source of wealth: candy

31. John Mars
Net Worth: $20 B
Source of wealth: candy

34. Jorge Paulo Lemann
Net Worth: $19.7 B
Source of wealth: beer

35. Lee Shau Kee
Net Worth: $19.6 B
Source of wealth: diversified

36. Steve Ballmer
Net Worth: $19.3 B
Source of wealth: Microsoft

36. Theo Albrecht Jr & family
Net Worth: $19.3 B
Source of wealth: Aldi, Trader Joe’s

38. Leonardo Del Vecchio
Net Worth: $19.2 B
Source of wealth: eyeglasses

39. Len Blavatnik
Net Worth: $18.7 B
Source of wealth: diversified

40. Mukesh Ambani
Net Worth: $18.6 B
Source of wealth: petrochemicals, oil & gas

Senarai penuh 500 orang terkaya

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